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General Uses for Magnesium Oil

For the Skin: Sprayed on sun damaged skin regularly will begin to rejuvenate from the inside out and after a few months will be significantly restored. Helps with wrinkles as well as hair health and growth.

Dental: As a mouthwash sprayed into the mouth it is excellent for the gums and pushes the mouths ph up. Strengthens teeth and is excellent for gingivitis. It is magnesium, not calcium, which helps form hard tooth enamel resistant to decay.

Mucus Membranes: People have used low concentrations for nose and eye washes and even for application in the vagina. (Beware of stimulative effect).

General Tonic: Magnesium Chloride is a strong tonic boosting all aspects of cell physiology and energy production. Magnesium is essential for life as it participates in over 325 enzyme reactions. Expect more energy, strength and endurance and even increased sexual energy.

Sports: Magnesium is perhaps the single most important mineral to sports nutrition. Over 70% of the U.S. population is magnesium deficient. This is true especially of athletes. During vigorous exercise, people loose through their sweat critical minerals, the most important being magnesium. Adequate magnesium level will help your body against fatigue, heat exhaustion, blood sugar control and metabolism.

Pain Relief: Transdermal magnesium chloride treatments are essential in the treatment of sport injuries and the aches and pains of sore muscles.

Natural Immune System Booster: Dr. A. Neveu observed that magnesium chloride has no direct effect on bacteria (i.e. it is not an antibiotic). Thus he thought that its action was a specific, immune-enhancing, so it could be useful against viral diseases.

Memory and Cognitive Function: Magnesium deficit may lead to decreased memory and learning ability, while an abundance of magnesium may improve cognitive function in children and the elderly.