Magnesium Deficiencies
"...Magnesium deficiency is a health problem of
first cause. Magnesium is a nutritional element that is dangerously low
today. Because of its essential role as a foundational building block
of cell physiology we have a huge health problem that allopathic
medicine is dragging its feet to address. Populations in the first
world are dangerously deficient and are actually starving for
magnesium. Doctors are missing a huge opportunity to help their
patients when they ignore the increasing deficiency of magnesium in
them. We are familiar with the malnourishment of third world
populations and do not expect to see this in the west. The clinical
impact of magnesium deficiency is huge and can be tied into the
majority of clinical situations.
Almost two years ago I wrote a Tale of Two Hammers
about the situation in Africa where populations were being decimated
because mass vaccine programs were being administered to malnourished
populations whose immune systems were already compromised. Little did I
dream then of a similar situation in the west with the majority of the
population being malnourished in magnesium.
Food contamination is a growing problem and now an acknowledged risk to
young children and adults alike. It does not take too much to see that
the safety thresholds for toddlers have been drastically breached by
the air they breathe, the water they drink, by the medicines and
vaccines administered to them from the medical establishment, by
mercury put in their mouths, and clearly by the cocktails of chemicals
in food.
At least 2,800 substances have been
recognized as food
additives by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
These are used to make foods more attractive, to make
foods tastier, and to increase the grocery shelf life.
The Pesticide Action Network’s (UK) analysis
reveals a diverse cocktail of chemicals in food. “Mostly, but not
always, below legal limit, 65 per cent of them are recognized hazards
to health: 35 per cent are suspected cancer-causing chemicals, 12 per
cent are hormone-disrupting chemicals, and 41 per cent are acutely
toxic.” Because magnesium is so important for the removal of toxic
substances from the body its lack makes us even more vulnerable to food
contamination. According to Dr. Carolyn Dean if you have a magnesium
deficiency and regularly use aspartame, the toxicity is magnified and
can result in headaches and migraines.
More and more people are becoming aware of the chemical rape of our
children but what few are conscious of is the decreasing value of
vitamins, minerals and proteins in the food we all eat. On one side we
are being poisoned and on the other we are being deprived of the very
nutrition necessary to resist all the different toxicities we are being
confronted with. Then, on top of everything else, our systems have to
navigate through further deficiencies brought on by allopathic drugs
that are used too often. And when we use chelators we have to deal with
the fact that important minerals are reduced even further.
Nutrients Depleted
Vitamin A, B-12, C, E, K, Biotin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium,
Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc
Vitamin B-2, B-12, C, F, K, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium
B-2, B-12, C, D, Folic Acid
Vitamin C
Calcium, Folic Acid, Iron, Potassium, C, B Complex
Dr. Matthias Rath says that, “Almost all the prescription drugs
currently taken by millions of people lead to a gradual depletion of
vitamins and other essential cellular nutrients in the body. Drugs are
generally synthetic, non-natural substances that we absorb in our
bodies. Our bodies recognize these synthetic drugs as “toxic,” just
like any other non-natural substance. Thus, all synthetic drugs have to
be “detoxified” by the liver in order to eliminate them from our
bodies. This detoxification process requires magnesium and vitamin C
and other cellular nutrients as cofactors. Many of these essential
nutrients are used up in biological (enzymatic) reactions during this
detoxification process. One of the most common ways for eliminating
drugs from our bodies is called hydroxylation.” The strongest
“hydroxylating agent” in our bodies is vitamin C, which is literally
destroyed during this detoxification process. Thus, long-term use of
many synthetic prescription drugs leads to chronic vitamin depletion in
the body, a form of early scurvy and the onset of cardiovascular
Micronutrient content of the average diet
in industrialized countries is declining.
Cheryl Long and Lynn Keiley
writing for
Mother Earth News[iii] tell us that “American agribusiness is producing
more food than ever before, but the evidence is building that the
vitamins and minerals in that food are declining. For example, eggs
from free-range hens contain up to 30 percent more vitamin E, 50
percent more folic acid and 30 percent more vitamin B-12 than factory
eggs. Most of our food now comes from large-scale producers who rely on
chemical fertilizers, pesticides and animal drugs, and inhumane
confinement animal production. In agribusiness, the main emphasis is on
getting the highest possible yields and profits; nutrient content (and
flavor) are, at best, second thoughts. This shift in production methods
is clearly giving us less nutritious eggs and meat. Beef from cattle
raised in feedlots on growth hormones and high-grain diets has lower
levels of vitamins E, A, D and beta carotene, and twice as much fat, as
grass-fed beef.” Health writer Jo Robinson has done groundbreaking work
on this subject [iv] making us critically aware of the importance of
the conditions in which our crops, meat and dairy are raised.
We humans are not getting the minerals we need
because modem agricultural methods, including widespread use of N P K
fertilizer, over farming, loss of protective ground cover and trees,
and lack of humus have made soils vulnerable to erosion. The result is
a reduced nutrient content of crops. N P K fertilizer is highly acidic.
It disrupts the pH (acid/alkaline) balance of the soil, as does acid
rain. Acid conditions destroy soil microorganisms. It is the job of
these microorganisms to transmute soil minerals into a form that is
usable by plants. In the absence of these microbes, these minerals
become locked up, unavailable to the plant. Stimulated by the N P K
fertilizer, the plant grows, but it is deficient in vital trace
minerals. In the absence of trace minerals, plants take up heavy metals
(such as aluminum, mercury and lead) from the soil. Between 1950 and
1975, the calcium content in one cup of rice dropped 21 percent, and
iron fell by 28.6 percent.
When trace minerals are scarce in
plant bodies
they become scarce in human
Dr. Scott Whitaker, in his book MediSin, tells us
how highly unfortunate it is that the modern day farmer has been
persuaded to use monoculture, artificial fertilization, pesticides, and
herbicides. “The end result of our domestic food production has been
‘quantity’ rather than ‘quality’. The human body can thrive on fruits
and vegetables that are grown on vital rich soil but not on soil that
is artificially pumped up with chemicals.” Thus today hardly anyone can
eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his or her body with the
mineral salts required for perfect health.
It is crucial that doctors and
parents recognize
that from poor soil comes poor food,
deficient in minerals and vitamins
Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs, author of The Nutrition
Detective, says that, “Our diets today are very different from
those of our ancestors though our bodies remain similar. Thousands
of years ago, our ancestors ate foods high in magnesium and low in
calcium. Because calcium supplies were scarce and the need for this
vital mineral was great, it was effectively stored by the body.
Magnesium, on the other hand, was abundant and readily available, in
the form of nuts, seeds, grains, and vegetables, and did not need to be
stored internally. Our bodies still retain calcium and not magnesium
although we tend to eat much more dairy than our ancestors. In
addition, our sugar and alcohol consumption is higher than theirs, and
both sugar and alcohol increase magnesium excretion through the urine.
Our grains, originally high in magnesium, have been refined, which
means that the nutrient is lost in the refining process. The quality of
our soil has deteriorated as well, due to the use of fertilizers that
contain large amounts of potassium a magnesium antagonist. This results
in foods lower in magnesium than ever before.”
We need an average of 200
milligrams more
magnesium than we get from the average diet.
Dr. Mildred Seelig
President of the American College of Nutrition
The food supply has been steadily
becoming magnesium-poor since 1909:[v]
1909 intake
408 mg/day
1949 intake
368 mg/day
1980 intake
349 mg/day
1985 intake
323 mg/day (men)
1985 intake
228 mg/day (women)
There has been a steep decline of dietary magnesium
in the United States, from a high of almost 500 mg/day at the turn of
the last century to barely 175-225 mg/day today.[vi] The National
Academy of Sciences has determined that most Americans are magnesium
deficient, with men obtaining only about 80 percent of their daily
needs with women fairing even worse obtaining about 70 percent of their
Magnesium is the most important
mineral to man and all living organisms.[viii]
Dr. Jerry Aikawa
The magnesium content of refined foods is usually
very low. Whole-wheat bread, for example, has twice as much magnesium
as white bread because the magnesium-rich germ and bran are removed
when white flour is processed. Magnesium deficiency is more likely in
those who eat a processed-food diet; in people who cook or boil all
foods, especially vegetables; in those who drink soft water (water
deficient in minerals) and in people who eat food grown in
magnesium-deficient soil, where synthetic fertilizers containing no
magnesium are often used.
Deficiency is also more common when magnesium absorption is decreased,
such as after burns, serious injuries, or surgery and in patients with
diabetes, liver disease, or intestinal mal-absorption problems. Also
deficiencies develop when magnesium elimination is increased, which it
is in people who use alcohol, caffeine, or excess sugar, or who take
diuretics or birth control pills. We can add to this list vaccines
because they offer a traumatic insult to the body that have to be
defended against and that defense gobbles up both magnesium and vitamin
Other drugs that cause loss of body magnesium:
• Cocaine
• Beta-adrenergic agonists (for asthma)
• Corticosteroids (CS) (for asthma)
• Theophylline (for asthma)
• Diuretics
• Thiazide
• Phosphates (found in cola drinks)
• Nicotine
• Insulin
The nutrient content of foods can no
longer be relied upon.
The effects of stress, intense physical activity, or the use
of certain medications cause magnesium deficiency.
Since magnesium is abundant in the environment it
is generally assumed that magnesium deficiency is not a problem but
nothing could be further from the truth. Because magnesium in certain
forms is not easily absorbed and because no classical symptoms exist
that point to magnesium’s causal role in disease, the problem of its
deficiency is readily masked. Many are the conditions that reduce total
body magnesium and increase magnesium requirements. With nutritional
values declining quickly and chemical toxicity in our bodies raising
rapidly our children and we are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Data indicate that subsets of the
population may be unusually
susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds.
These populations include the elderly, people with magnesium
deficiency, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems.[ix]
Several studies have reported that increasing
calcium in the diet significantly reduces the absorption of magnesium.
Calcium intakes above 2.6 grams per day may reduce the uptake and
utilization of magnesium by the body and excessive calcium intakes may
increase magnesium requirements. In addition, diarrhea (any cause),
extreme athletic physical training, sodas (especially cola type sodas,
both diet and regular), sodium (high salt intake), stress (physical and
mental—anything that activates a person's fight or flight reaction),
and intense sweating all diminish magnesium levels.
Magnesium deficiency at a cellular level where it counts is not easy to
diagnose, as serum magnesium levels do not correlate to muscle or
cellular magnesium levels. Instead of trying difficult tissue magnesium
analysis to find out if your health problems may be due to low
magnesium levels, it is much easier and more effective just to take
more magnesium and see what happens. Caution is necessary only in cases
of renal deficiency.
Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources of magnesium because
the center of the chlorophyll molecule (which gives these vegetables
their color) contains magnesium. Since 1981, Life Extension[x] has
recommended high-potency magnesium supplements, because magnesium is
the most deficient mineral in the American diet. In the early 1980s,
the Life Extension Foundation was criticized by mainstream doctors for
recommending high doses of magnesium relative to calcium. They even had
their magnesium supplements seized by the FDA because they presented
evidence that this mineral could help prevent heart attack.
An excess of a toxic metal and/or a
relative deficiency of a nutritional
element can be found as significant contributors to every disease.
Dr. Gary Gordon
William Faloon from Life Extension says, “With all
the research linking low magnesium intake with high cardiovascular
risks, this low-cost mineral would appear to be a simple way to counter
today’s heart attack and stroke epidemic. Unfortunately, magnesium is
so cheap that virtually no one is promoting it as a lifesaving
There is no substitute for magnesium;
it’s as
close as a metal comes to being as necessary as air.
[ii] King D, Mainous A 3rd, Geesey M, Woolson R. Dietary magnesium and
C-reactive protein levels. J Am Coll Nutr. 2005 Jun 24(3):166-71.
[iii] Is Agrobusiness Making Food Less Nutritious?
[v] Paul Mason. Violence Prevention through Magnesium-Rich Water.
Healthy Water Association.
[vi] Altura BM, Introduction: importance of Mg in physiology and
medicine and the need for íon selective electrodes. Scand J
Cliin Lab Invest Suppl, vol. 217, pp. 5-9, 1994
[vii] Institute of Medicine, Dietary Reference Intake for Clacium,
Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Flouride, National Academy Press,
Washington DC, 1997
[viii] Aikawa LK, Magnesium: Its Biological Significance, CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Fl, 1981
[ix] U.S. Dept. of Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry, Division of Toxicology, December 16, 1991.
Following links have been reprinted
from the website
"Links to over 300 articles discussing
magnesium and magnesium deficiency.
To go directly to a specific category, click on an item in the list
Some of the conditions magnesium
may be useful in treating or preventing are:
Articles are listed under one heading only. Many of them cover more
than one subject. Use the search to find additional articles on your