So what is the difference between Himalayan salt, sodium chloride (table salt), and sea salt?
The sodium chloride salt which we consume in food contains no other minerals, since it is a purified salt. Sodium chloride is required in large quantities by various industries, so it is produced on a large scale.
The remainder ends up in the food industry, as a preservative and as an additive to foods and drinks. This means that when it gets into the body it only replenishes the sodium in it, at the expense of other
essential minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. This creates an imbalance in the mineral content in the body, which in turn creates health complications, such as raised blood pressure,
fluid retention, joint and muscle stiffness, bone porosity, kidney damage, skin problems, arthritis, gout, etc. The other problem with table salt that it has artificially-added iodine, and it can be toxic to the body in certain cases, such
as overactive thyriod.
Modern-day sea salt is also purified of polutants, which disturbs its balance too. Also, some pollutants are impossible to remove, so they still stay in the salt, even though in "permissible" quantities.
Hymalayan salt is unpurified, and gets to us as it is found in nature, replicating the mineral content of a human body. The only processing which it undergoes is mechanincal, since the salt needs to be either
ground and packaged, or broken into pieces and made into various articles (e.g. salt lamps).
- Poor circulation
- Poor muslce tone
- Skin infections, acne
- Nail infections
- Tiredness, low energy, general weakness, lethargy
- Leg ulcers
- Sore throat & gums
- Blocked sinuses
- Mineral loss due to excessive & diarrohoea
- Physical exertion
- Animals: physical exertion, mineral loss, exessive sweating, diarrhoea
- Bath: mix 500g in a warm bath, to relieve aches, pains, fatigue, boost circulation.
- Foot bath: mix 200g in about 5 litres of very warm water. Helps relieve tired feet, poor circualtion in the legs, ulcers, infections.
- Compress:: mix 10g (1 tablespoon) of Himalayan salt with 100ml of hot water. Soak a cloth, apply on an affected area, cover with clingfilm, wrap up with a warm scarf. Helps with bruised areas, or where circulation is slow.
- Mouth wash: mix 10g (1 tablespoon) of Himalayan salt with 100ml of warm water. Rinse frequently, to help with a sore throat, infected gums.
- Nose rinse: add 1g of salt (1/5 of a tsp) to 100ml of warm water. Use a pipette or a syringe to put a few drops in each nostril, as often as required, for sinusitis, hay fever and allergic rhynitis.
- Cooking salt: add as required
Note: All this information is given as information only and should not be treated as medical advice. Please do not resort to self-treatment. Consult a
doctor if feeling unwell. We do not diagnose or prescribe any treatments, and cannot give recommendations as to the dosage or frequency of application.